Regional Investor Assistance Centre:

Fundusz Górnośląski SA

Al. Roździeńskiego 188

40-203 Katowice


phone: +48 32 72 85 600 extension nr: 203, 128


13 November 2018
2018 Healthy Workplaces Film Award winner

The jury’s award-winning film throws light on the global working hierarchy where economic necessity creates imbalances for others to prosper. The need for money makes women leave their families at home to fill the gap in the care for the elderly in the west.

Marina, a Romanian nurse, unsparingly and down to the tiniest detail, talks about 24-hour care, controls and humiliations. Marina is an example here. Her voice represents that of many Eastern European female work migrants.

The film is produced in an appealing manner which connects well with its audience.


realization: ideo
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